Change for a better Rhode Island

Welcome to the Healey For Governor Supporters Page, the portal for all things related to the Healey Campaign.


Days Until The Polls Open








Healey For Governor Newsfeed

Thank You, Supporters.

To all the friends and supporters of the Healey 2014 Campaign Please excuse my delay in getting this letter to all those who have put time, effort and energy into the campaign. I was slightly busy fending off the accusations that we had somehow led to the destruction of the Fung campaign. As you know, […]

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November 4, 2014 – Election Day

It has reached critical mass. With the help of all, we have reached a point where we are ready. If people can hold to their desire to take back their state we will do well. The numbers are clearly moving in our direction, but the people, once inside the booth, often let fear of change […]

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On Education

I have always recalled the wise words of my mother telling me “If everyone jumped off the bridge, would you?” It has resonated throughout my life and has probably sits at the foundation of my thought process. Just because nearly everyone is convinced that the Common Core is the future, there must be those out […]

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The question has been posed, “Who is doing all of the work on the Healey campaign, what’s their motivation?” Well, the answer is simple. Its all of us, including you. You have started support sites, followed the campaign, liked/shared posts, educated... read more

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